Sunday, December 12, 2010

This Is Not Easy

OK, I have about two more thoughts on breastfeeding and then I will be moving on. So here is thought one.

Breastfeeding is NOT easier than using formula. If it were, every woman would breast feed. Convenience is actually the one benefit I can see to using formula, and based on statistics, that's a doozy. Aside from medical reasons, which would account for a small portion of users, why else would so many people use a product that, one, has to say on the label it isn't as good as the real thing; and two, is 100% more likely to face recalls for exciting things like bug parts? So, folks at the hospital and in health care, I'd stop using the convenience argument and face reality.

Unless you are a stay-at-home mom with no life for the next six months to a year, it does take more than just your body and a baby. Every time we want to go out, I have to plan how much milk to have saved. Every time I want a couple of cocktails, I have to plan how much milk to have saved. Abigail has slept through the night since week eight. Me? Not so much. I'm up every morning at 3 AM to pump. I am inordinately excited that I now have over 100 ounces of milk in the freezer for returning to work or if I am sick. I am inordinately despondent that that is about three days' supply and if something serious happens, we will run out.

If I eat something that disagrees with her, I will hear about it for many hours to come. Onions and peppers on the cheese steak? BAD idea. Indian or Thai curry? Just fine, thank you. Buffalo chicken wings? Hell on earth. But we pretty much have the menu down now. I refuse to give up dairy, so she farts quite a bit, but thankfully, we all find farts amusing around here.

Until a month ago, it was so hard to get her latched on and stay covered, that I would try to take bottled milk with us when we went out. On the plus side, I really can feed her anywhere now. We were at the street fair last night and it was cake to pop her under her blanket and keep walking. No muss, and very little fuss.

And really, everything else is a plus. The benefits for her and me far outweigh the inconvenience that lasts a few months. Oh, and it's cheap too! (But more on that next post)