As some of you know I've been having a fibro flare from hell combined with (caused by?) a partial hysterectomy, where I've had both ovaries removed and yet continue to have a non-stop period since the surgery about five weeks ago (that's a lie, I did stop for five days once; it was pretty exciting) and am about to start my third hormone combo in an effort to get it to stop.
Anyway, the point of all that TMI is that I have spent the better part of two weeks in bed. Not in bed, making a bracelet; not in bed, watching TV or getting my friends' stuff sold on Etsy. Just In Bed Waiting. for the pain and blood to stop. The combo of those two can make you quite peaked. I've been on the tablet looking for things to try to get better, and planning for when it happens, but with fibro you never know... this may be as good as it gets.
So I bucked myself up this morning--you can't do nothing forever, you'll atrophy or something--and made some soap. Nice, easy recipe, nothing fancy (although it will be fabulous and as soon as it cures and I can manage to take a picture, you should buy it immediately) and now I want to die. I don't know that the two hours upright was worth it. I should have taken a clue when I had to rest for an hour after emptying the dishwasher. So I've popped two pain pills for the "breakthrough" pain from the butrans and fentanyl (I'm in the midst of moving to the butrans alone) and given in for the day. If you need me, I'll be on Pinterest checking out aromatherapy, homemade toothpaste, or some crap.